How to do custom domain with Gitblog


Custom domain is free for all users, when you create a blog on, it is automatically assigned a sub-domain. However, if you prefer to use your own custom domain for a more personalized touch, you can follow these simple steps:

Customizing a Sub Domain


It is easy to bind the sub -domain, just add a CNAME record to your domain DNS record.

Type Name Content TTL Proxy Status
CNAME @ 1min DNS only

Note: If your domain's DNS is hosted on Cloudflare, set the Proxy Status to DNS only. Please ignore Proxy Status field if you are not using Cloudflare.

Customizing an Apex Domain


Using A Record

If you prefer using A records, follow these steps:

  1. Set the A record to

    Type Name Content TTL
    A @ 1 min

    Note: If your domain's DNS is hosted on Cloudflare, set the Proxy Status to DNS only.

  2. Navigate to the DNS records portal of your domain and add an A record.

  3. Go to the GitBlog dashboard, enter your domain (e.g.,, and click save. Once your domain's A record is validated, your blog will be accessible immediately via the custom domain.

Using CNAME Record

If you prefer CNAME records, follow these steps:

  1. Set a CNAME record to

    Type Name Content Proxy Status
    CNAME @ DNS only

    Note: CNAME record offers more benefits than the A record, but it cannot be directly added for an apex domain. Fortunately, some DNS hosting services like Cloudflare support a technique known as 'CNAME flattening.' Learn more about CNAME flattening.

  2. If using Cloudflare:

    • Navigate to your domain's DNS record settings on Cloudflare.
    • Click the Add record button to add a CNAME record.
    • Set the Proxy Status to DNS only.
  3. Go back to the GitBlog dashboard, enter your domain (e.g.,, and click save. Once your domain's A record is validated, your blog will be accessible immediately via the custom domain.

By following these steps, you can effortlessly customize your blog's domain, providing a unique and branded experience for your audience.

Gitblog DNS record

Type Target

If you are using Cloudflare, set the Proxy Status to DNS Only

About Gitblog is a Lightweight Blogging platform, based on GitHub issues.


Zhaojjjjjj Zhaojjjjjj
image 是在这里添加吧?
blackstorm blackstorm

image 是在这里添加吧?


wc0517 wc0517

Never mind. The issue has been occurred for a week and I can't do anything. So I finally has to quit this platform.

blackstorm blackstorm

@wc0517 Hi Woody,

I'm going to fix it

blackstorm blackstorm

Never mind. The issue has been occurred for a week and I can't do anything. So I finally has to quit this platform.

Hi Woody, Custom apex domain back now!

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